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웹에디터 시작 웹 에디터 끝
파일 #1
파일 #2
자동등록방지 숫자를 순서대로 입력하세요.
PU Machine High pressure machine 2 comp. Mixhead
Production method stop & go moving type
Product Foam in cover head rest or general head rest
PU injection Automatic pouring into close mould by auto manipulator
Mould carrier type open and close by guide steel bar auto. Locking & unlocking by air unit
Mould carrier 10 ~ 16 Carriers
Turn table size Approx. 4m(D) x 1.6m(H)
Mould cleaning Hot water or DOP cleaning by brush
Mix head Cleaning unit Approx. 60 sec
The shot cycle time By electric water boiler
Head rest weight Approx. Min 150g ~ Max 350g
The required worker 1~3 people
Yearly production capa 1day : 8hr x 60min x 60sec ÷ 12sec = 2,400pcs
1month : 2,400 x 26days = 62,400pcs
1year : 624,000 x 12month = 748,800pcs